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Jiangsu Tianyi High School, one of the provincial key high schools, has been checked and accepted as a national exemplary high school by the Education Commission of Jiangsu Province and entitled the National Advanced School of Moral Education by the Ministry of Education of China, who also is one of the members of the National Association of Gifted Education, experimenting schools of the Ministry of Education, and the provincial Green School, etc. The school enjoys a fine reputation for its extraordinary high quality throughout the country.

The school, set up in 1946, was confirmed as one of the first sixteen well-run key high schools in 1978 and as one of the first qualified senior high schools in 1990 by the provincial Education Commission.

The school now has about 3000 students and 300 teaching staff members. The campus built by Xishan district government funds 300 million RMB and covers 320,000 square meters. With a pavilion, a rockery with waterfalls and bridges over a river in which fish can be seen swimming, the campus is extremely beautiful and attractive, with green grass growing and fragrant flowers blooming all the year round, pigeons flying to and fro and birds chirping and singing in trees and bamboo forests.

Besides, the botanical gardens, the meteorological station, the cultural corridor and the golden apple in the school all convey rich cultural messages and help create a supportive educational environment. It is no wonder that the campus is described as a vivid textbook rich in content by various media.

The teaching staff of Tianyi High School enjoy high honor from society. There are a large number of teachers get national or provincial titles and prizes. The teaching staff have been learning modern education theories and using them to guide teaching. The high education quality has been hold for years.

Tianyi High School follows the principal of Honesty. After long time accumulation, it has formed Tianyi Spirit: Dedicating to Education, Respecting Science, and Attaining Excellence. According to the school education concept, every student has infinite potential. The teaching goals focus on the overall development and the successful experience of every student on the campus, devoting to doing everything possible for the sake of the students. The school has developed the characteristics in gifted education and science and technology education.



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